Rabu, 13 Maret 2013


Kalini gue akan nge-post serial komedi "Malam minggu  Miko" yang berjudul "Malam terakhir Miko" . Coba ditonton deeh, ada kutipan menarik nnti , Cekidot !!!


"Malam Minggu gua gagal lagi, tapi jujur selama malam minggu malam minggu ini, gua belajar banyak. gua belajar bahwa terkadang selain harus mendengarkan perkataan orang lain, kita juga harus tau apa yang sebenarnya kita butuh.Dan terkadang kita tidak sehebat yang kita pikir dan itu g apa-apa. gua juga belajar kita tidak harus tau orang lain butuh kita atau tidak,tapi yang penting kita ada untuk mereka.
Dan selama malam mingu malam minggu ini gua g boleh berhenti berharap. gua yakin suatu saat nanti pasti ada orang yang terbaik buat gue." -Miko a.k.a Raditya Dika


"The Man Who Never Lied"

In the middle of hollywood boulevard
Screaming at each other, screaming at each other
Like oh oh oh, can't take it anymore oh oh oh
Like a tragedy, like a dark comedy
Laughing at each other, laughing at each other, like oh oh oh
It isn't funny anymore, oh oh

I was the man who never lied
Never lied until today
But I just couldn't break your heart
Like you did mine yesterday
I was the man who never lied, oh oh oh
I was the man who never lied, oh oh oh, yeah

Sometimes honesty is the worst policy
Happy ever after, happy ever after
Let it go, oh oh, you never need to know, oh oh
I don't wanna be picking up all of these tiny little pieces, tiny little pieces
Of your heart, oh oh, won't do it anymore, oh oh

I was the man who never lied
Never lied until today
But I just couldn't break your heart
Like you did mine yesterday
I was the man who never lied, oh oh oh
I was the man who never lied, oh oh oh

I was the....yeah, yeah, oh, oh

In the middle of hollywood boulevard
What am I doing in hollywood boulevard?
In the middle of hollywood boulevard
Screaming at each other, screaming

I was the man who never lied
Never lied until today
But I just couldn't break your heart
Like you did mine yesterday

I was the man who never lied
Never lied until today
But I just couldn't break your heart
Like you did mine yesterday
I was the man who never lied, oh oh oh
I was the man who never lied, oh oh oh